Thursday, May 22, 2008

Let that boxer tongue down

Boy do these canines have huge tongue! When Candy drinks water it decreases the bow'l volume by about half. All the better to rehydrate with my dear!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Boxer Candy goes for a walk

With a collar and leash that brings back beautiful memories as it was with this equipment that I took Sheena, my childhood boxer, for countless walks across the golf course. Sheena used to be let loose to run free across these open hills, fairways and greens. She freaked out the odd golfer, in response to having this super athletic pony dash across the plains towards them.

If you have ever taken a boxer for a walk, one soon realises who is in control. Quite the workout!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Boxer Candy goes for her shots

Such an exciting Saturday morning for this great canine. She digs taking trips in cars, much to see and she simple loves the attention she receives from amused passers-by. We are on our way to the Vet for her annual rabies shot, etc. I was quite impressed by the lady vet's ability to calmly stick the deworming pill down this big, strong & canine-rigged dog. here's a few photos of the trip

BTW: If you have any boxer photos (which are your own and you are willing to publish on the web, then spot me a mail. I would love to expand to a range of models. At some point I will be posting some photos and videos of boxer puppies and teenage Louisa. These dogs are simply adorable at all ages!)

Also: feel free to use these images as wallpapers!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cute cat and dog photos

For some cute cat photos and videos of felines and canines, visit

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The day Candy went missing

One night 2 years ago some vandals kicked my sister's from wall's door open, and away ran Candy. After 2 days of furious search partying the entire family was starting to fear the worse, and was altogether in a very depressed state. How could this jewel of a friend be gone ?

Then my sister went around the back of th house to an open piece of land (a green belt, cliff, type area), where she screamed her little lungs out for Candy.
Lo and behold, this prized boxer came running towards her.

Much jubilation ensued... Everyone was singing: 'Candy is home! Candy is home!'
And since then she sleeps inside the house and is spoiled even more then previously.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Kittens are cute too...

I have 2 cats, Hillary and Squeekie the new arrival.
This little kitten is, as so many kittens are, truly adorable. What I appreciate most about her is her gentle approach to me. When she plays with Hillary it's a hectic session involving nails and teeth. Yet when she interacts with me she retracts both weapons to avoid hurting me, this relative giant to her.
Below is a video clip of her being torn between several objects she identifies as possible toys. Cute++!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The most photogenic dog around

Candy enrolled in modelling classes 4 years ago when she was on 1 year old. She has since picked up many of the finer points of posing and walking the ramp (mostly at the gate though)

Kitchen watchdog: She is most alert when food is being prepared, ensuring that no third party interferes with this most important culinary activity.


Here's my girl in a cute headshot.
She's quite the tricky photo subject, forever bouncing around in typical boxer style.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

And then came Candy: The boxer canine that would change our perceptions forever...

Anybody that does not think this face is utterly adorable should have their humanity levels checked. Candy was the puppy that ruined a garden six-love. But it was so worth it. Over time as she grew from a cumbersome puppy to the superior hound she is today, she built unbreakable bonds with all that know her. Everyone loves candy.Even complete strangers come up to the car when she takes a drive and is eternally amused by this canine character. She is such a classic that she deserves, and now has, her own place in the blogosphere:

Candy has a new ball: this little red spongy device offers hours of amusement to her, and every minute of that is adorable to witness. Such grace, blended with an amused playful attitude towards life. So cute, yet at the same time a serious physical challenger for the burglars in the area. A brilliant description of true friend: beautiful companion offering excellent security.

Getting a jumping start up a hill takes some effort, but soon hereafter she springs forth like a little pony ensuring the little red ball does not escape.

Innocence personified (or is that caninised ?) "What... me replanting your roses: never!" This canine should hold the Ginnes record for most expressions from one animal - ever!

Here she looks like she just returned from her collagen injections, looking pretty for the neighbourhood jocks.

Proudly sporting her new ear-do. All the better o hear you with my dear.
Keeping a healthy firm body is important for Candy, who enjoys playing ball and just practising being all-round cute.

Practising the tight corners is critical for the upcoming world cup soccer event. Also a good test for the hound-proof lawn recently installed.

Trying to stay awake for protection in such dangerous times, but last night's dreaming is catching up to her now.

But all games must end, and this one recedes with this tired boxer getting comfy on the lawn. When she's got the energy there's just no stopping, but when energy levels are low you could not stir her even if you tried.

If you have a boxer and have some cool stories to share, please feel free... wherever these animals go they sow joy into the world.

Also feel free to send fanmail to candy by leaving a comment. I'll be sure to read all of them to her... and might even upload the video clip thereof.

And lastly for today, thanks for visiting and be sure to bookmark this space. The "Candy the cutest dog in the world" tour has just begun...

For a visual tour around my home city, Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng, South Africa, point your clicking finger at:
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