Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Boxer Candy goes for her shots

Such an exciting Saturday morning for this great canine. She digs taking trips in cars, much to see and she simple loves the attention she receives from amused passers-by. We are on our way to the Vet for her annual rabies shot, etc. I was quite impressed by the lady vet's ability to calmly stick the deworming pill down this big, strong & canine-rigged dog. here's a few photos of the trip

BTW: If you have any boxer photos (which are your own and you are willing to publish on the web, then spot me a mail. I would love to expand to a range of models. At some point I will be posting some photos and videos of boxer puppies and teenage Louisa. These dogs are simply adorable at all ages!)

Also: feel free to use these images as wallpapers!

1 comment:

LuLu and LoLLy! said...

We are 2 Maltese dogs, LuLu and LoLLy, and we love these piktures! Our favrits are Candy going in the car. One of our best canine friends is named Fritz and he's a boxer too. You are right, those tongues are incredible! :)

We would love to have you come visit our Dog Blog and write in about your adventures! Stop by! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!

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